Disclaimer and privacy statement
The goal of educational modules and applications is to serve as a resource for trainees , nurses and physicians interested in Neonatal Neuro - Critical Care, However, it must be understood that it is in no way intended to provide recommendation s for clin ical decision making and family counselling. The decision making tools and educational materials included do not, in any way, constitute a diagnostic interpretation or clinical recommendations for patient care on their own . The authors and their institutions including the Calgary Neonatal Neuro - Critical care progr am are not responsible for any decision making based on findings from this application. All rights reserved. No part of these teaching modules may be reproduced or modufied in any way without the prior written permission of the Calgary Neonatal neuro - Critical Care progarm .Our team is committed to providing safe courses for participants. We complies with Canadian Federal and Provincial privacy laws and regulations including the Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act. Images and videos should be de-identified and formal consent should be taken from families. Images, details, and investigations shared and legal implications and responsibility lie with the person who is sharing. The purpose of these courses is educational. They don't give physicians, trainees, nurses or participants any privileges or generate any kind of licensing. Team members, their institutions or programs are not responsible in any way for clinical decisions or diagnoses been made based on skills gained using these courses.