Course curriculum
Neonatal transport : why and how?
Neonatal seizure
Clinical seizure diagnosis game
Watch normal neonatal neurological examination lecture
Full neonatal neurological examination video
Watch normal targeted neonatal neurological examination video
Watch abnormal targeted neurological examination video
Watch targeted neurological examination to identify moderate to severe HIE video
HIE care pathway infographics, cooling calculator and reading resources
HIE identification game
Please answer the final quizzes. You need to score at least 90%
Summery of all procedures
CPR correct technique
CPR dos and don't
PPV neopuff correct technique
PPV common errors
Intubation correct technique
Intubation common errors
Intubation using CMAC
IO catheter insertion
Needle thoracentesis (fluid)
Needle Thoracentesis (pneumothorax)
Chest tube insertion ( pneumothorax)
Chest tube insertion ( fluids)
PICC line insertion
Neontatal transport scenario1
Neontatal transport scenario 2
Neonatal transport Scenario 3
Neonatal Transport Scenario 4

About this course
- Free
- 30 lessons
- 6 hours of video content